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  • Encounters: The Program

    Discover Encounters: Chinese Language and Cultrue, the groundbreaking Chinese Program for English speakers that sets a new standard in the field of language instruction.

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  • Encounters: The Books

    The Encounters books provide an innovative,communicative-based approach to learning Chinese and are completely integrated with video, audio and web components of the program.

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  • Encounters: The Publisthers

    Encounters is the result of years of collaboration between China International Publishing Group and Yale University Press

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  • Encounters: The Movie

    Experience the vast and diverse nation of China through the Encounters movie - a broadcast-quality dramatic series shot entirely on location in China.

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  • Encounters: Instrunctor Access

    Take a closer look at the rich array of learning materials and media in

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  • Encounters: The Web

    The Enconters Web offers both students and teachers the latest in online Chinese language learning tools and resources.

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  • Encounters: Class Test Center

    Class Testing has come to the Web!
    Instructors can obtain free access to textbook and video samples, and provide comments so Encounters will better meet their needs.

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Encounters: Chinese Language and Culture is a fully integrated multimedia program for beginner-level Chinese that immerses students in the sounds of Mandarin Chinese while simultaneously exposing them to the sights and culture of China.
Discover more about Encounters.